Week 5 animation progress

Most of the animation wok I have done this week is tweaking prior animations to fit the 3D renders and water sims now that they have been rendered out. I did animate two new shots however, one was the title sequence / Shot 1.7. For this shot I gave the title design a line boil as well as motion for the wave colours inside the text and rising bubbles over the ocean waves. The other shot was 3.12, as Pavo's reflection got overlooked in that shot as most of the shot is a 3d render/3D animation.

4.22 || tweaked for background movement

3.33 || animation tracked to water sim/background movement

3.31 || Animation now has render background/water sim

3.20 || shot redrawn to fit 3D render BG, cleaned and lined on two layers so the pants/skirt can be comped under the table and the torso/arm portion can be comped on top of the table.

3.12 || The Pavo eye reflection animation got forgotten so I quickly did it today. the 3d render/animation of the fish still needs to be done so I had to use the animatic as a guide of how big Pavo would be.  to get the second skewed perspective I copied the first animation over and tweaked the angle using the transform tool.

3.12 || shot cleaned.

1.7 || animated title with line boil, wave motion and rising bubble animation.
